Saturday, October 20, 2007

Children's Library

Children's Library, originally uploaded by Earthworm.

Great to see what other libraries look like and be inspired!
All we need now is the space and money!
Have spent too much time on this Flickr site but has been really interesting looking at all stuff you can access.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Primo Bloggo i.e.My first Blog

brightspark?(yep I'm hoping my neurones are going to sparkup!)

Well this is my first blog! Blog sounds like a bodily function but we won't go there. Who did give it this name ? I suppose I'll find out from the other bloggers
Hope to learn heaps as I'm always IT challenged but willing to learn and explore, just wish there weren't as many ways to access and do things but such is life.
The learning journey begins hope there aren't too many forks in the road!
Blogging off!